Monday, April 20, 2009

Winds of Change~

Been listening to Juwito Suwito lately. Think I'm begining to really enjoy it. :) It's so soulful and it's really awesome to be listening those 'love songs' all about our wonderful and magnificent Father. Check out 'you in me' and 'only in the dark'. :)

"The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor ..."

- Isaac Asimov

Ironic isn't it?

I use to hear my grandma say, when a person is naughty when their young..they'll grow up to be the exact opposite. How true is it, I have no idea but I do believe in what Asimov said. Change is the only constant.. so how can we easily conclude that people cannot change?

Come to think of it, it isn't fair that we all talk about someone thinking they had not changed for the better. They could have been all those negative things we said they were but that doesn't mean they still are today. At the rate we keep pointing our finger at them, critizing every thing they do, isn't that stereotyping? And we think, we're guiltless 'saints'? Besides.. what right do we have to judge?

It's hard to change someone's mind about a person and yes, it takes some proving. But, no ones needs any explaination from them but God. So why bother gossiping about them?? If you think they didn't change and doesn't even deserve a second chance to be looked upon like an equal and respected like one..then constraint your opinions to yourself where you will cause minimal damage. You have no right at all to condemn anyone here..

May I remind you that we serve a God of second chances, if you think otherwise than bring it up with Him. If not, you should really really hold your tongue. I'm not only speaking for myself but also for others. Remember that, someone can always change for the better and sometimes, it blesses the others around them as stop steroetyping. Accept them for what they are as they accept you for what you are. :)

"Change always comes bearing gifts."

- Price Pritchett


Mel said...

I like your post.

You remind me of Scout in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and I would like to think you look like her when you were younger. Feisty and kick-ass! Excuse my English. Just can't find a better replacement for that word :p

Oh, did I mention that I like your post? :) Thanks Carmen.

Carmen said...

Thanks!Oh i like the word kick-ass alright!!!My mom would love to paint you a picture like that..don't know bout feisty,but I was definitely a headache.. :P

Oh n..your welcome :)