Saturday, December 5, 2009


I really wonder. I really marvel at the fact that I can fit in at such a place as this. Not that I am not capable or whatever.. it's just so funny. So different. So very very different. I am me. They are they. There is such a distinct line. I'm sure it's visible.. but no one seems to care. Lucky me?

Hmm.. It's like their stuck on to me. So very often my thoughts and ideas seems to oppose theirs. It's like I'm running on a different frequency. The most obvious difference is the language. I'm on one and them the other. Not that I can't speak theirs nor they mine.. it's just that I feel I can't seem to really connect. More than that, I don't feel intellectually stimulated.

I can go anywhere. With them. On my on. I can do both. Just that.. I don't feel a sense of belonging. Months has gone by, used to the environment? Yes. Used to the food? Pretty much. Used to the people? Kinda. Not really being me. I feel like I had back-slide. Not because I'm arrogant, but because I'm just a stranger I guess.

Strange as it is.. I am just not part of this place. Am I lonely? I can't lie. Though not all the time.. just sometimes. :) Am I unhappy? Can't say that I am either. Hmm.. strange isn't it?

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