Thursday, November 20, 2008


What a joke!!!!!!


I'm so so so ANNOYED!!!!

I feel like whacking the library computer till it breaks!

8:00 -9:00
Was in the library for Lit. All of us were doing our research paper and I added about 6 paragraphs or more to my review part when the comp decided to go berserk!

My entire file went haywire and it magically disappeared from my thumb drive!!! I was in a state of shock and frustration.. talk about making my morning a roller coaster ride! *fumes*

*sigh*..worst part is..I can't recall all my points. Why me??? *cries* But Kai Li got it happened to her twice! (er.. lucky me??)

Must be God's punishment for not studying Malaysian Studies. God's being real humorous with me today... =p No more jokes k..not till saturday at least.. *prays hard* (got such requets??)


athens+prawn said...

read sinchew jitpoh 2day
it says a new kind sort of 'disease' is coming up
it's in chinese i duno hw 2 translate
d systoms r like when u feel like punching d com when things r not done well...
it fits lots of us rite??

Carmen said...

wah...thank God I didn't actually whack it =p But thank God!my file was retrieved!!!ok la..what's left of it.. ;)