Friday, November 21, 2008


the following conversation took place 3 times.. guess which made more frustrated???

Terima kasih kerana menghubungi TMD Care Line. Untuk Bahasa Melayu, tekan satu. For English, press two.

*presses two*

Thank you for calling, your call will be attended to shortly. You are currently at que position number 59.


If you wish to continue to wait, press one. To leave voice message or sms your report, press two.

music plays...

............... 2 minutes later

You are currently at que position number 49. If you wish to continue to wait, press one. To leave voice message or sms your report, press two.

argh! music plays yet again...

You are currently at que position number 38. If you wish to continue to wait, press one. To leave voice message or sms your report, press two.

*rotting next to the phone* again with the music..

............................ 3 more minutes

You are currently at que position number 27. If you wish to continue to wait, press one. To leave voice message or sms your report, press two.

come on..come on.. was playing again *sigh* I'm being to really hate this music!

........................................... another 2 minutes

You are currently at que position number 11. If you wish to continue to wait, press one. To leave voice message or sms your report, press two.

quick la! then it decided deduct one by one... O.o

................................................................ 5 more minute down the drain

You are currently at que position number 1. If you wish to continue to wait, press one. To leave voice message or sms your report, press two.

DUH! I'm so not putting the phone down now! can i kill the music though..?? *fumes*

Thank you for calling TMD Care Line. Masah speaking. How may help you?

Yes. This is number 42948387. I called twice already, this is my third. I would like to check on your status report.

Oh, this is Mr Wong's howwse (house) ?


The status are, we send the technician to there already. There is a BIG "BREK-down" in the sub station, so it take about 2 more hours. awesome english..

two more (was raising my voice here..) I thought your collegue said it will take an hour only?

Oh, it is a big brek-down so it take more time


Ya.. phix. Sorry miss. power will come back soon.

Ok..fine..thank you.

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