Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spent most of my time studying in the library with Alithea which is really fun. Serious,it was fun! She's very knowledgable and smart. I enjoyed talking to her =) I enjoyed singing Carols with her too~
Let's go caroling!!

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Gone away is the bluebird,
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Thanks to her, my head is swirling with carols!! But I love singing them =) This is one of my favs..

She showed me this book by a poet called Anne McManus. She's real a feminist as Al says, very unforgiving too. Scary! But I liked this poem from her..


you never know
what's in the post
always give it
a ghost
of a chance
to be different
no matter
your sorrow

No more Econs paper!!!! XD (for now..)
No more Law paper!!! (for now...)
Still got lit papers!!!! (WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Haha..okay, at least I like lit. =) Hmm..lit paper today was kinda fun. Thanks Ms Grace~ hope my essay won't give you a headache =p

..please CHRISTMAS don't be LATE~..


Tarrant Kwok said...

It's two months away!
You're like frigging walmart. XD

Carmen said...

what two months!?it's next month!!! XD