Down by the sally gardens my love and I did meet;She passed the sally gardens with little snow-white feet.
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;
But I being young and foolish with her did not agree.
In a field my love and I did stand,
And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.
She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on weirs;
But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears.
- William Butler Yeats
I nearly cried while writing the essay on this poem. Don't know why.. but I felt the pain and emotion the guy felt in the poem. This is a classic scene of 'girl dumps guy'..or you can see it as 'guy dumps girl' or as Sam said.."the feelings' mutual" Some of us had a little trouble concluding who the dumper and the dumpee was.. haha! But I choose to see it as 'girl dumps guy'. =p
It looks more like it I guess. This led me to think about the real scenes in reality. Most of the time, people would love to find fault in one party and pity the other. Nowadays, girls are the horrible 'players' and guys are the victims (sounds ironic compared to the old days, ain't it?). We're the outsider but yet we're so quick to judge. We immediately condemn the dumper as the bad guy. Ever thought of it in a different light??
Well.. today I have.
Yea, I agree that it's hard getting your heart broken but I doubt it would be any easier for someone to just waltz right up to you to to say,
"We're's over.." Most would find difficulty though I don't deny that there'll be some that can do it without much pain or guilt.
Is it really that important to identify who the bad guy is?? Why should we be so quick to judge that the person ending the relationship has the motive of only to hurt and break? Is it not possible that he/she is trying to protect himself/herself or maybe cause things have slowed down and all passions have died away between them?? Half the time, no one knows if they truly like each other until they have tried starting the relationship.
This is such a subjective view but we are so stubborn with our own opinions. This is streotyping! Shern Leng was asking me after class,
"Hey, do you think it's the girl's fault if she becomes materialistic and ends a relationship based on it?" After reading Emma and Pride and Prejudice, I think this is again a no and yes thing.
When you grow older, your sphere of dreams and goals will expand and they'll be more wants and desires in your life than it was few years back. People change and that's a fact.
Nothing is forever constant but change is. Ironic? Sometimes, people might make what may seem stupid decisions to us for the sake of their own security and happiness. Yes, it's selfish but in a world like this, who can help it sometimes.
My answer to Shern Leng's question was, as long as you can answer to yourself and God and as long as you can live with the decision you made, then no explaination is needed. The world may scorn and critic all they like but at the end of the day, no one has to live with that decision but yourself, so why weigh their views so heavily. It's hard to pretend you can't hear a thing but if you truly feel happy and you think it's what your instincts tells you to do, then it's enough. I think it's getting harder to breathe in such a society, so why make ourselves suffocate even more?
Live your life to the fullest and leave it as regretless as possible!
There's no such thing as a take two in life! =)