Friday, May 28, 2010

As expected. This semester will be pretty much 'free and easy' for me. =) 2 subjects, lots of free time and only 2 books to cram in this 7 weeks. I am contented for short semesters. For now. Not looking forward to the assignments and projects that will be pouring in soon. But anyway.. I'll be at ease. For now..


Last week was pretty amazing. Met up with 4 different friends in total. Glad that God gave me such an opportunity to see them again. It's funny seeing some of them, especially my best friend. Aside from the hair cut and her accent, she really amazed me like she always did. She shines wherever she goes and talking to her face to face after so long really makes it feel like nothing has changed. Yes, I missed you Rong.

I spent so much time visualizing the two of us after high school; where would we be, what would we be doing, etc. funny how God has everything planned out. It's almost too surreal for me. Again, I can't thank the Lord enough for all of this.

Oh yea.. and then there was Liz. The highlight of that day was her going all lobster red from her little experiment with a mojito. lol. Epic. She was literally RED! Other than that, I really enjoyed spending time with her. She's awesome to be with. Will miss this nut so much when she goes to UK.

Met up with Mel today, we went to ease our itching hands and feet. =P Haven't been to Camp 5 for a really long time. So much changes! Nonetheless, it was fun feeling the rocks after a while. :) It's always fun chatting with her. Her perspective and thought often enlightens me and it was some what refreshing today. Glad we met up Mel! :)

So yes.. I have been doing ok thus far. More than that, I've been doing great. =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Too soon. Looks like my first year will flash past me faster than I think. Sometimes I wonder where did all the time vanished to. One moment I'm in high school, then the next in college and now here.

But I guess it's kinda exciting. :) Yeap. Definitely.

I had a good start to a new semester yesterday. My timetable too good to be true; 2 subjects and a lot of free time! Looks like I get to bolder more often then. *grins* And more time to hang out with all long lost friends from long long ago. Bliss.

My best friend is coming home!!! =D

On another note, I finally had lunch with Jennifer. It took me 3 sems to get a hold of her. It's so good to be able to hang out with her and talk like we used to over chicken rice. We couldn't stop talking the entire time, too much details and gossip to catch up on. ;) Nonetheless, it was a good 2 hours.

Bliss. Such a sweet and consuming feeling. =)

Did I mention my best friend is coming home? =P Haha! I can't wait!