Friday, January 4, 2008

College Life

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!Finally in college now!MCKL is situated in brickfields but there's a monorail next to it.I had to wake up at 5:45 everyday just to go to college.My dad sends me every morning which means I have to go out with Ivan.When we drop Ivan,I can see the very fimiliar route leading up to school which I had walked so much not too long ago.I see the fimiliar faces of my juniors which looked gloomy and some little primary school kids running into school.

Something strike my heart that moment,the little voice inside me said,"hahaha...weird,they have to go to school as usual but you already graduated.Feels surreal eh..?"I looked at them in their uniforms and I turned to look at what I was wearing...geee....outside clothes!There are the extra freedom after you leave school and go into college,the most general one is you can wear outside clothes,bring your handphone,listen to your mp3 in the library,you have more free time,less subjects and you can go to the canteen to eat anytime you want when you don't have a lecture.

Yesterday was the orientation and it was very long,from morning at 8 to like 4.I was very excited and very nervous at the same time.I walked to the entrance of the main building and was greeted by Ms Moey who was getting down from her car.She gave me such a firm and warm handshake that it eased me abit.I made my way into this room where many new faces and anxious faces like mine sat down on rows of table-chairs.I sat at the last row alone but was made to sit directly in front after that.

We were all welcomed by heads of departments and the CEO herself,Ms Moey.Then after that we were split into A-Levels science,A-Levels arts and AUSMAT.We went into seperate rooms to meet our subject teachers.I took Law (I have no idea why..but i thought it might be fun seeing Ed enjoy and talk about it so often at home..), Economics (lagi dunno why I took it but I had to fullfill the min 3 subject requirement) and I took Eng Lit and IELTS.I need IELTS if I want to go overseas.It's similar to MUET but only it's a bit harder like the lecturer says and the grades are diff than MUET.

MCKL is a very cosy school type which made me feel right at home!The seniors there were very nice to us freshmen.Some seniors invited me for all sorts of activities and societies.I met alot of new friends and met up with some old friends too.I met friends that share the same dream like me which is to take up psychology and some really very sweet poeple.The canteen serves very delicious food and everyone is so friendly that it sort of creeps me sometimes.

It's really gonna be tough,we already got homework on the first day!We have alot of reading to do and we are recieving assignments too!I have to go to college everyday and I finish only at 4:30 everyday.Though it's tiring and all but it's fun!College life rocks!

Despite all the exciting parts I still have certain things going on in my mind...When I was sitting there during orientation,I had half-mindedly expected to see Jia Rong or Jane to walk through the door.Then only I realized that this is no longer SBU,this is a new chapter of my life unfolding before me.A little voice inside me said "What if I don't want to close that chapter before?"I can't,that I know very well but some naive part of me really feels hard to move on.I finally grasp how much I missed them and how much I had left behind me to move on.

I knew this would come the day the three of us got close to each other but something told me I could handle it.As much as I want to look back I know all I could ever keep are the wonderful memories made which I know is more than enough.I'm not saying I regreted meeting the two,believe I'm more than glad that I met them it's just I feel we didn't part with a proper goodbye or something.I know there's no such thing as a proper goodbye for all these but hahaha just doesn't seem right the way we left it.

Again I know that that's the only we could have left it but hahaha....hard to explain but I just feel there's some unsettled business there.*sigh*Well,I only can leave it up to God to sort out a given time for me to so call settle things or get over my stupid thoughts.I know that we part only to meet again,I know that there's someday out there for us but I really feel lonely and sad some how.I'm really happy bout alot of things but there are certain feelings do co-exist together.The new friends I met says I'm very friendly and they said I seem to be able to mix around well...hahaha...well I need to get a life afterall.

I always find the two to be my vacation and now unfortunately vacations over and work is coming up.hahaha....I always keep the picture of the three of us in my mind and all the littlest things and memories too..The three of us will never be the same again later on..but we'll be some else only.I know the'll be the chance somehow to reunite again much much later on in life but for now everybody needs to get on with life and do what we've only been waiting so long to do.One thing I really believe is God would never hold us away from anyone,He'll in some miraculous way let His magic work for everyone.We are starting new chapters that does not included each other for a while because this story has got to introduce some other characters to it as well but I strongly hope and believe that there'll some other chapter coming up later on that will reintroduce the older characters of the story!

I miss you two!hahaha...Love ya two and well I pray that you two would be able to make your dreams come true!Shoot for the moon and even if you can't reach'll still end up among the stars!Remember,dreams sore high in the sky on wings of hopeful vision!

The vacation will come again someday....definietly it'll come again!


Anonymous said...

Seems like someone grew up quite..hmm.. not quite, but A LOT! hahaha. What you say is true. We are leaving the old chapters behind , moving forward to the new ones and I'm absolutely sure that we'll meet one day :) Just let God dol the work now, shall we? haha. Here, I wish you all the best for the coming hardship as well as success. Good luck in the days to come and as you always say "Just keep moving eh?" haha.

p/s : Don't miss us too much!!


Jane Low said...


I love you, you know that? Hee.. Yes, I'm a bit nuts now.. Whey, we HAVE to go out some time, SOON! No Carmen and Jia Rong to go crazy with me no more.. Boo Hoo Hoo :(

Anyway, I love you! Have I said that already? Hee..