Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lone Ranger

Sounds kinda cool right? I mean look at Batman, look at Superman. Look at all those heroes in the movies. Aren't they cool.

They are super strong, super humans, super this and that. They are the lone rangers. The ones who say they need no one else, the ones who say they do things alone, the one who say they can handle it without help and the ones who are always in fact the loneliest people in the world.

Heard of the song that goes.. "one is the loneliest number.." Notice how well Hollywood disguises lonely people like them? Instead of being the sad, poor souls; their the cool and mysterious heroes.

I'm kind of a lone ranger myself and when someone actually addressed me by that, it felt so totally weird. Yes.. I have to admit that it is a little depressing and pathetic too. I do things alone all the time, I enjoy some personal time and space but it's becoming ridiculously dumb and silly recently.

Yet, I can't say that whatever I did or am doing isn't by choice. What on earth am I grumbling about anyway!? I think I'm going insane.................. sigh... and I wasted an entire post on it.

forget it.......I didn't say anything...I'm really going crazy.

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