Saturday, February 20, 2010

Awesome. :) My day was superbly and fantastically AWESOME!

I got a new LAPTOP!!!
(ok, fine.. technically I only own 1/3 of it, but hehehe..
I know I'll be the only who uses it cause I need it for college. =P)

Thank you Kelvin and Mel for tea/dinner at Delicious on Thursday. I love the presents Mel! I ♥ you!! =D And to Liz, Lynn and Kamini.. thank you, you 3 sweet angels. =) It was a real blast spending my birthday with you girls. Thank you Liz for the thoughtful gift. You made me laugh the most. =P Let's watch a movie again! Love you girls. =D

Whee.. I shall cam-whore with my lappy soon. ♥

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