Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mile 2.0 =)

It's obvious. I've entered a new age group. Or so my friends tell me. Yeap. My 'teen' days are now officially over. *let me take a moment to ponder on those memories* =) It was bittersweet and really full of vibrant colors. :)

2 decades now. Did I grow? I think so. It feels that way. :) I feels like there are new perspectives, new ideas, new thoughts and new goals and aspirations. I think I feel kinda happy to know that I am growing older. Not because of the freedom I get, but because I feel I am being prepared to take on more of what the Lord has installed for me. BRING IT!

Most importantly, I hope I have grown stronger and tougher; emotionally and spiritually. It has been a real roller coaster ride for me. Sometimes I wonder if I can take on this journey. But God has His ways. I guess it's time to stop giving God instructions and just take His directions. Here I am, Lord. Hold my hand and guide me through. :)

Some many miles those were. Conquered them I have. Another mile again. I have traveled 2.0 miles. Not bad eh? =P

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