Friday, September 12, 2008


How many times a day would you be doing this??

A random quote I came up with while staring blanky at the sky from the balcony in school a week before SPM :

The sky will always be the same sky but the place I stare the sky from will never be the same again...time to move on,time to grow up...time to say goodbye.

How many times a day would you seem to be look at something while your thoughts are some where else?

I remember there's something Samantha said in class,

"Carmen, ya, she's the one that goes 'life is meaningful', all about life and quotes.."

I used to think that an insult but now, it seems like a complement to me. It's the 8th day of my holiday and other than doing all the chores at home, I'd been doing some thinking again. I was sure I was focused on completing my chores but some how my thoughts wandered.

I remember Iris saying this when we were walking around school one day,

"Carmen, how come you can think of things this way? Why can't everything be flat and simple with you? You'll tire yourself thinking too much one day.."

When I was in primary school, I was pretty much a loner. Maybe it's my character that made me walk alone. I don't recall how I changed later on to mix around more but I know church played the important role here. Still.. in my thoughts I knew I was still alone. I would often walk around school alone aimlessly thinking of anything.

It was kind of a hobby when I was down and clueless or just when I was plain bored. I would think a lot, one of the things I would start thinking is life. Why? No idea. I just think about it. Some how my mind would come up with weird qoutes and sayings. I think I was trying to be philosophical or maybe wise about my life. Being alone so much gave me ample time to do nothing but think. Some how, God gave me a mind set that is maybe just a little bit more mature than my age group.

So many 'why-s' would come up and I would answer differents sets of answers that only leads to more questions without a conclusion. I like to be simple and I try to be simple but my mind refuses to think in 'a simple manner'. I day dream a lot because of this too. I would just picture so many scenarios and there's just no end to all the thinking. Kinda hard to get me eh? =)

There's so much I want to complain about but yet there's so much I want to thank God for. Ironic. There's so many questions in my mind but yet there's so many answers too. How much more ironic can this get?

=) My life is currently at a very laid back pace and everything is moving as it should I guess.. but again..I'm going way too far ahead with my thoughts. What now? Where would I be? What would I be thinking then?

Hmm... =)

My random quote of the day ;

Thinking isn't doing something; doing without thinking isn't something happening, something happening is when doing comes after thinking...

doesn't make sense as usual..sigh..random me.. =p

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