Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Blessing In Disguise

My watch read 11 am as I step into Law class announcing that the result slips have arrived and is available for collection at 12. Mrs Dharma giggled her "evil laugh" and we stared at her pulling a face at her tease, she answered.. "Well this are the little perks I get being a lecturer." ehm.. ;(

The office was over flooding with students, so I had to repress all the jolts of fear and anxiety from exploding that instant to stand in line and exert....PaTiEnCe! I felt so jumpy that a tap on my shoulder would send me bolting for the ceiling!

By the time I did get the result slip I suddenly chickened out. I folded it in half and headed for the canteen. Sat down with Shonna, Kai Li and Shern Leng. They stared at the white sheet and turned to look at me as I slowly unfolded it. I stared at it for a while and placed it face down. I really didn't know what to make of it. It was er... well.. I'm not crying so that's a good sign I guess.

The only paper I didn't do well was Lit 2. Crap!!!! That was supposed to be my best paper! Yeap, God was being extremely humorous again. Got 2 Cs for econs 3 and 4 (ok la..), 2 Bs for Lit 1 and 4 (superbly contented here! :D) and a big fat...
E-li-phan-g for lit 2.

Shonna kept saying I was suppose to very happy with what I got for Lit but I felt I could have done better. sigh.. Yet I agree with what Ms Mel said, "It could be a blessing in disguise." Though we may have not gotten the results we want or we have gotten really horrible results but it maybe a blessing in disguise. God works in mysterious ways..

We may feel totally disgruntled and depressed but who knows, He'll show something in the future that'll make us look back and laugh at how silly we were to make ourselves feel so miserable. Yes.. I got over results.

Move ON!

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