Monday, June 22, 2009

I Love My Dad =)

My dad said something that made me feel like crying. :) Oh yeah... Happy Father's Day dad! =)

Over lunch yesterday, my aunt asked where I'll be headed next after A-Levels. I've been asked this countless times and all I could do is smile and give an answer.. a very uncertain answer. I've been wanting to go into Psychology for as long as I could remember but.. where will I end up after that? What jobs will I get? Where can I get them?

Then my mom said that it's wise to do a double degree because Psychology on its own is not strong enough and I won't go far with just that only. So I've been thinking bout Marketing and Psych or Mass Comm and Psych. But Ed doesn't agree.. Well, not that he's being a mean brother, he's just trying to make sure I make the right decision but I can't say I wasn't hurt by what he said.

Ed tells me that Psych and Mass Comm won't get me far and it's not good enough to just study them knowing it won't pay the bills. I agree but what made me feel so discouraged and bogged down is the way he looked at me. His look tells me that I'm making the worst decision of my life. At that, I felt like I was no longer sure of anything at all.

I felt like I got kicked from one point to the lowest pit there is. All I could say at that moment was for everyone to give me some time to figure things out and let me look into things. That was not a jump-with-joy day cause well.. it really feels horrible to be standing exactly where I'm at, NO WHERE.

Then today, Dad.. :) My dad, just picked me up from the pit I fell in, dusted off the dirt on me and gave me really encouraging pat on the back. Over lunch today, everyone (yes..everyone, including my aunts and uncles and little cousins) were talking about MY FUTURE (again). My dad surprised me. Utterly!

"Carmen, do you want to know my opinion?"


"It's not important to me what course your going to study. The important thing is that your doing something you'll like and you'll enjoy."

I had to smile at this..

"Many people study one thing, and they'll end up doing something really different. The important thing is to have common sense (or common dollars as he calls it) when you work and learn from others and gain experience. Don't be influenced by what other people say. So what if no one approves of what you study. Don't listen to anyone, not your mother, not your brother, not even me! Do what you really want, because it's your life. You'll face it, not us. If you force yourself to do something you don't like, you'll be the one suffering in the end. Studying is never a waste."

At this point, I was trying so hard not cry

"What's the use if you listen to us and do something you won't like. Believe in yourself. I won't tell you what to choose because your old enough to decide on your own. Go apply whatever you want. Overseas, local, anywhere. Just keep your options open. Get whatever you can and we'll see how we can make ends meet."

"But it's expensive to go overseas.. the cheapest I found was RM 80, 000 plus in Australia."

"That's negotiable.." he smiled.. "Just do something you'll enjoy and that's good enough for me.."

I always wanted the kind of father in the movies. The ones that'll be around when I fall, the ones who'll be the first to reach at my door step if anything happens, the ones who'll help me out regardless how stupid a thing I'd done or how unreasonable I can be, the ones who'll teach me everything.. right down to being me, the ones who'll talk to me about life and share his experiences with me, the ones who would tell me to follow my dreams and to do something I'll like.. the ones who'd watch over me no matter where I am, no matter how old I am and no matter how distant I'd be from him in the future.

Want? I already have him! My dad continues to amaze me each day. He's really an awesome dad.. :) The best there ever is. :) Love you dad! You couldn't have been a better one that you already are..

1 comment:

Mel said...

I love your dad :)

And your post too. He's just like my dad. And that's why I'm doing what I love most today because of him.

I'd say, do what's closest to your heart. That way, you'll enjoy studying. And when you're done with that, you'll enjoy working - doing what you're passionate about. Afterall, we only live once and we don't want to waste time doing things that do not matter to ourselves.

I'm glad I did what I did and followed the desires God gave to me. e specifically fashioned you to love and enjoy certain things. So, embrace that uniqueness; because you know that you'll be glorifying Him by using what He gave to you.

All the best no matter what it may be. Like your dad saiad, "Keep your options open" and let God surprise you!

Most of all, have fun.
